Other non-financial risks
GRI Indexes
Social risks
The PGNiG Group is aware of the risks related to HR management and enhancing employee competencies. The Group is also aware of succession-related risks and risks relating to transferring knowledge in key areas in the case of old age retirements. Ensuring that the employees are guaranteed safe and healthy working conditions is vital, too. Methods of managing key non-financial risks related to employee matters are listed below.
Employee aspects | |||
No. | Identified non-financial risk | Method to prevent risk materialisation | Risk leve * |
1 | Risk of a crisis situation related to COVID-19 and risk of losing business continuity. |
medium |
2 | Competence gaps in key areas, including:
medium |
3 | Limitations related to human capital, including:
low |
4 | Risk of conflicts with trade unions. |
low |
5 | Risk of different interpretations of labour, tax and social security regulations (e.g. court rulings, audit follow-up decisions, recommendations, opinions/interpretations). |
low |
OHS aspects |
No. | Identified non-financial risk | Method to prevent risk materialisation | Risk level * |
1 | Occupational risks for jobs determined on the basis of hazards identified for each job. |
medium |
2 | Occupational accidents or diseases caused by poor work organisation, non-compliance with procedures or use of inadequate protection measures. Risk of temporary production stoppage due to a severe or fatal accident. |
medium |
3 | Inadequate working conditions – OHS rules are not provided at the workplace, which increases the risk of occupational accidents, constituting violation by the employer of employee rights. |
low |
4 | Acts of employees and subcontractors resulting in violations of OHS laws. | Reviewing and consulting contracts with subcontractors in terms of security certificates and safety clauses. | low |
5 | Employees unable to respond to emergencies. |
low |
The Group also identified the following significant risks and risk mitigation measures relating to other social aspects.
Social aspects |
No. | Identified non-financial risk | Method to prevent risk materialisation | Risk level * |
1 | Image risk – negative reception of PGNiG’s and the entire Group’s business, communication or marketing activities by stakeholders, including local communities – bad publicity in traditional and social media. |
medium |
2 | Risk of exploration work causing inconvenience to local communities |
medium |
3 | Risk of conflicts with local communities causing obstacles to upstream activities. |
medium |
4 | Negative reception of the Company’s CSR activities by the social environment of the PGNiG Group – negative assessment of PGNiG’s actions (expectations not met satisfactorily, needs not responded to). This hampers field operations and brings up the costs of communication with local communities and stakeholders. |
low |
Ethical risks and management approaches
The PGNiG Group identifies potential non-financial risks related to ethics and analyses risks which may materialise in the future. The table below shows how the organisation manages the risks, preventing them from materialising.
Ethics aspects |
No. | Identified non-financial risk | Method to prevent risk materialisation | Risk level * |
1 | Risk of corruption and bribery. |
medium |
2 | Loss of the Company’s reputation and image as a breliable and trustworthy organisation may have far reaching negative legal consequences. |
low |
3 | Risk of a corrupt employee using the Company’s assets to the Company’s detriment, including the following violations:
low |
4 | Offering or accepting a gift without reporting it in the register of benefits. | Increasing employee awareness through appropriate communication of anti-corruption regulations, including the use of regular reminders in the form of emails of the need to comply with anti-corruption regulations. Obliging employees to:
low |
5 | Poor employee awareness (regardless of position) of the need to monitor and report any instances of corruption (including suspected corruption). |
low |
6 | Data leak or loss. |
medium |
Risk of labour rights violations. Any act or behaviour related to or directed against an employee, such as unequal treatment, discrimination, workplace harassment etc. |
Compliance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics on the prevention of workplace harassment, definition of preventive measures and rules of handling harassment reports. All newly hired employees must read and sign the Notice on legal provisions governing equal treatment in employment (Art. 941 of the Labour Code) and read the company’s Work Rules.
medium |
Ethics aspects |
No. | Identified non-financial risk | Method to prevent risk materialisation | Risk level * |
1 | Risk of corruption and bribery. |
medium |
2 | Loss of the Company’s reputation and image as a breliable and trustworthy organisation may have far reaching negative legal consequences. |
low |
3 | Risk of a corrupt employee using the Company’s assets to the Company’s detriment, including the following violations:
low |
4 | Offering or accepting a gift without reporting it in the register of benefits. | Increasing employee awareness through appropriate communication of anti-corruption regulations, including the use of regular reminders in the form of emails of the need to comply with anti-corruption regulations. Obliging employees to:
low |
5 | Poor employee awareness (regardless of position) of the need to monitor and report any instances of corruption (including suspected corruption). |
low |
6 | Data leak or loss. |
medium |
Risk of labour rights violations. Any act or behaviour related to or directed against an employee, such as unequal treatment, discrimination, workplace harassment etc. |
Compliance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics on the prevention of workplace harassment, definition of preventive measures and rules of handling harassment reports. All newly hired employees must read and sign the Notice on legal provisions governing equal treatment in employment (Art. 941 of the Labour Code) and read the company’s Work Rules.
medium |