Key HR data

  • 102-8
  • 405-1
  • SOC-5/C2
  • SOC-5/C3


As at December 31st 2021, PGNiG employed 4,838 staff, 44 (or 0.9%) more than in the previous year. The slight increase was mainly driven by the need to adjust the staffing levels to current business requirements.

Employment at the PGNiG Group by segment

  2021 2020 Change
PGNiG Group PGNiG Group Number of persons

PGNiG Group

Exploration and Production 6,386  6,534 (148) (2.3%)
Trade and Storage 2,979  3,026 (47) (1.6%)
Distribution 11,587  11,517 70 0.6%
Generation 1,811  1,817 (6) (0.3%)
Other Activities 1,768  1,714 54 (3.2%)
Total 24,531 24,608 (77) (0.3%)

As at December 31st 2021, the PGNiG Group employed 24,531 staff, 77 fewer than the year before (down 0.3%).

Number of employees under employment contracts by gender and employment type (as at December 31st 2021)

Organisational unit PGNiG PGNiG Group
Contract type open-ended fixed-term open-ended fixed-term
Women 94% 6% 90% 10%
Men 95% 5% 91% 9%
Total 95% 5% 90% 10%

Number of persons who work for the organisation, but who are not employed under employment contracts (as at December 31st 2021)

At PGNiG, the number of such employees is negligible (several persons). Such persons are only hired when the Company is in need of high-class experts. Most of the PGNiG Group companies very rarely engage in such form of cooperation. In total, in 2021 more than 800 persons worked for the Group, but were not employed under employment contracts. Most Group companies either employ very few or no such experts at all. On a larger scale, this form of cooperation is applied by PGNiG Serwis (over 500 persons), Geofizyka (up to 100 seasonal workers from February to September, mainly blue-collar jobs: geophysical surveyor, foreman operating vibration equipment, assistant driller, driver licensed to drive vehicles that weigh up to 3.5 tonnes, vibration equipment operator), and Exalo Drilling, operating in the Republics of Chad and Tanzania and using the services of third-party providers. In 2021, Exalo Drilling had over 40 persons hired through such third-party providers, working mainly under drilling mud contracts. This form of employment is used given the nature of the work and local labour law in the Republics of Chad and Tanzania.

Workforce structure at the PGNiG Group at the end of 2021, by gender

Management and Supervisory Boards of PGNiG Group companies by gender and age (%)

Management and Supervisory Boards of PGNiG Group companies by gender and age (%) as at the end of 2021

Organisational unit Women Men
up to 30 years 31-50 years over 50 years of age up to 30 years 31-50 years over 50 years of age
PGNiG 17% 83%
PGNiG Group 14% 2% 6% 43% 35%

Management and Supervisory Boards of PGNiG Group companies by gender and age (%) as at the end of 2021

Organisational unit

Women Men
up to 30 years 31-50 years over 50 years
of age
up to 30 years 31-50 years over 50 years
of age
PGNiG 75% 25%
PGNiG Group 31% 5% 52% 12%

Employees covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement

Organisational unit 2021 2020
PGNiG 97% 97%
PGNiG Group 95% 95%

PGNiG’s collective bargaining agreement covers only the employees working under employment contracts in Poland (100%). The Company Collective Bargaining Agreement does not cover foreign workers employed under the local law.

There were no collective redundancies or disputes at PGNiG in 2021.

Cooperation with trade unions

There are a number of trade unions active at the PGNiG Group. PGNiG strongly believes in social dialogue based on independence of the parties, legal compliance, as well as trust, willingness to compromise and observance of the rules.

Total number of employees officially associated in trade unions

Organisational unit 2021
PGNiG 57%
PGNiG Group 51%
  • GRI 404-1
  • SOC-7/C2

Average number of training hours per employee

Organisational unit 2021 2020 2019 2018
PGNiG 20 h 20 h 37 h 27 h
PGNiG Group 18 h 14 h 25 h 25 h

The sharp decrease in training hours is due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the functioning of the organisation and its employees. In 2021, many training sessions were still postponed or cancelled, and a vast majority of those remaining was delivered online.


Performance assessment

Once or twice a year, PGNiG employees are evaluated based on the Performance Assessment System and MBO system in place. In the process, particular emphasis is placed on targets assigned to individual employees, which are linked to strategic objectives of the Company. It allows employees to discuss the needs and challenges associated with their positions, and is a source of feedback on both their achievements and potential issues in their professional development.

Percentage of employees subject to the performance assessment process at the PGNiG Group

Organisational unit Employees covered by performance assessment (%)
2021 2020
PGNiG 96% 96%
PGNiG Group 82% 82%

Foreign employees of PGNiG, employed under local law, are not covered by performance assessment.

Employees covered by performance assessment system by gender and job category

Organisational unit Percentage of employees covered by performance assessment by gender and job category in 2021
Women Men Total Managerial positions Other positions
PGNiG 96% 96% 96% 100% 96%
PGNiG Group 89% 81% 82% 100% 80%

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