Energy consumption at the PGNiG Group

  • 302-1
  • 302-2
  • CCE-6/C1

Energy consumption at the PGNiG Group in 2020–2021

Energy consumption 2021 2020
PGNiG Group* PGNiG* PGNiG Group PGNiG
Generated internally from non-renewable sources electricity [GWh] 900.0 71.8 867.7 89.1
heat [MJ] 8,037,979,832 7,266,080,220 7,426,676,582 6,953,628,170
steam [MJ] 302,342,062 302,342,062 317,760,354 317,760,354
cooling [MJ] 1,962,954 2,873,574
Generated internally from renewable sources electricity [GWh] 44.1 12.7 35.1
heat [MJ] 13,837,552 15,465,680
steam [MJ]
cooling [MJ]
Purchased from the grid electricity [GWh] 198.8 143.0 196.9 137.8

The energy consumed by the majority of PGNiG Group companies was mostly energy generated internally from non-renewable sources. The other Group members have contracts signed with energy companies. The volume of energy used is correlated with the Group’s growth. Year on year the volume of electricity generated internally from renewable sources rose by more than 25%, with an increase of 4% in electricity generated internally from non-renewable sources and a slight increase in electricity purchased from the grid (1%).

The PGNiG Group implements pro-environmental solutions, such as cogeneration and trigeneration plants owned and operated by some of the companies. Also, solar PV systems and energy efficiency improvement programmes are put in place.

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