The General Meeting is the Company’s constitutive body. In addition to any matters related to the Company’s activities and matters specified in applicable laws, the General Meeting resolves on:
- Review and approval of the financial statements for the preceding financial year and the Directors’ Report on the Company’s operations;
- Approval of performance of duties by members of the Company’s governing bodies;
- Distribution of profit or coverage of loss;
- Determination of the dividend record date or a decision on payment of dividend in instalments;
- Appointment and removal of Supervisory Board members;
- Review and approval of the Group’s consolidated financial statements and the Directors’ Report on the Group’s operations for the preceding financial year;
- Suspension of members of the Management Board from their duties, or their removal from office;
- Disposal or lease of the Company’s business or its organised part, or creation of limited property rights therein;
- Increase in or reduction of the Company’s share capital;
- Issue of convertible bonds or bonds with pre-emptive rights, issue of subscription warrants;
- Acquisition of the Company’s own shares for the purpose of offering them to the Company’s employees or to persons who were employed by the Company or its related entities for at least three years;
- Mandatory buy-back of shares;
- Creation, use and liquidation of capital reserves;
- Use of statutory reserve funds;
- Merger, transformation or demerger of the Company;
- Amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association and changes in its business profile;
- Definition of the rules and amounts of remuneration of Supervisory Board members and the rules of remuneration of Management Board members