7.2 Derivative financial instruments

Table of contents

  • Accounting policies
  • Accounting policies

    Derivative financial instruments not designated for hedge accounting

    Derivative financial instruments used to hedge the Group’s risk which are not hedging instruments designated for hedge accounting are classified as financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. Such instruments are economic hedges. The Group also permits speculative transactions to be executed, but they are strictly controlled and limited by risk limits.

    Derivative instruments at fair value include also derivatives with hedging relationship terminated.

    Derivative instruments are initially recognised at fair value, and as at each reporting date they are measured at fair value with gains or losses from the measurement recognised in statement of profit or loss under net finance costs (e.g. measurement of instruments hedging financing activity, such as debt liabilities) and other income and expenses (e.g. hedging transactions not designated for hedge accounting, including forward contracts).
    Hedge accounting

    The Group applies hedge accounting to appropriately account for the risk of movements in gas prices and exchange rates (EUR/PLN and USD/PLN) for future transactions to buy/sell gas. The gas price risk is related to the highly probable future gas purchase transactions. The Group applies cash flow hedge accounting to these transactions.

    Derivatives are designated as hedging instruments.

    The portion of gains or losses arising from change in the fair value of a cash flow hedge which is determined to be an effective hedge is recognised as a separate item of equity (hedging reserve). The ineffective portion is charged to profit or loss. The effective hedge taken to equity over its lifetime is, once realised, reclassified to initial cost of gas inventory or is taken to profit or loss on gas sales.

    The Group ceases to classify an instrument as a hedge if the derivative expires or is sold, terminated or exercised, the hedge no longer meets the criteria of hedge accounting, or if the hedged transaction is no longer expected to be executed.

    The Group enters into transactions involving the following derivative instruments:

    Derivative instruments designated for hedge accounting

    Description and purpose of instrument 
    Currency forwards/average rate forwards/currency swaps  A currency forward is a contract for the purchase or sale of a currency for a specified exercise price, with delivery date falling no earlier than after two business days from the date when the forward terms have been agreed. The Group uses currency forwards to hedge against currency risk of USD and EUR exchange rates in future transaction to buy/sell commodities. Average rate forwards/currency swaps are settled in cash based on the difference between the exercise price and the average monthly price. 
    Commodity swap  A commodity swap is a contract where two parties agree to exchange payments on a specified date. The payments are calculated based on agreed amounts of a specified commodity and its price. In the transaction, one party agrees to pay a fixed price, and the other party pays a floating price. However, no physical exchange of the underlying commodities takes place. The Group companies use the instrument to hedge against price movements in transactions to buy/sell gas. 

    Derivative instruments not designated for hedge accounting

    Description and purpose of instrument 
    CCIRS  A cross currency interest rate swap is an instrument which exchanges cash flows associated with an interest rate and a currency in respect of an agreed base amount at a fixed pre-agreed exchange rate. The Group uses CCIRS to exchange variable rate interest payments denominated in NOK into variable rate interest payments denominated in PLN. 
    Currency forwards/average rate forwards/currency swaps  For instrument description see the previous table. 
    Futures1 for electricity, natural gas, CO2 emission allowances, crude oil  Futures to wystandaryzowana transakcja, umożliwiająca sprzedaż bądź zakup towaru na rynku regulowanym za cenę wykonania określoną z góry, z datą realizacji większą niż dwa dni robocze od daty, w której ustalane są warunki transakcji futures. Spółki z Grupy wykorzystują instrument w celu ekonomicznego zabezpieczenia przed zmianami cen przyszłych zakupów/sprzedaży poszczególnych aktywów. 
    Forward contracts for electricity, gas2 2 and CO2 emission allowances  Forward to transakcja umożliwiająca sprzedaż bądź zakup towaru za z góry określoną cenę wykonania z datą realizacji większą niż dwa dni robocze od daty, w której ustalane są warunki transakcji forward. Spółki z Grupy wykorzystują instrument w celu ekonomicznego zabezpieczenia przed zmianami cen przyszłych zakupów/sprzedaży poszczególnych aktywów. 
    Commodity swap  For instrument description see the previous table. 
    1. EE – Phelix power futures contracts traded at the EEX
    2. Electricity and gas forward contracts traded at the Polish Power Exchange
      Note  2021  2020 
      Assets  Liabilities  Assets  Liabilities 
    Derivative instruments covered by hedge accounting  Note 7.2.  1,891 5,669 449 618
    Derivative instruments not covered by hedge accounting  Note 7.2.  7,077 9,362 1,004 780
    Total  8,968 15,031 1,453 1,398
    Derivative instruments designated for hedge accounting  2021  2020 
    Type of derivative instrument  Notional amount (million)  Period when cash flow will occur and affect the financial result  Exercise price (exercise price range)  Weighted average exercise price  Maturity of fair value  Notional amount (million)  Period when cash flow will occur and affect the financial result  Fair value 
              up to 1 year  over 1 year       
    Derivative instruments used to hedge currency risk in gas purchase and sale contracts 
    USD  478 USD  Up to 12 months  3.6600-4.0595  3.7870  149    263 USD  up to 3 years  11 
    USD  140 USD  up to 3 years  4.0675-4.0779  4.0724  (1)    340 USD  up to 3 years  (38) 
    EUR/USD  735 EUR  up to 3 years  1.1671-1.2575  1.2167  9  172  32 EUR  up to 3 years   
    EUR/USD  13 EUR  up to 12 months  1.1258  1.1258  (1)    229 EUR  up to 4 years  (41) 
    Currency swap
    EUR  45 EUR  up to 3 years  4.6060-4.9385  4.6882  1  1  38 EUR  up to 3 years   
    EUR  718 EUR  up to 3 years  4.4746-4.9069  4.6299  (24)  (66)  528 EUR  up to 3 years  (73) 
              133  107      (141) 
    Derivative instruments used to hedge gas purchase and selling prices 
    TTF Swap  DA  3 MWh  up to 3 years  22.75-176.00  113.64  763    24 MWh  up to 3 years  286 
    TTF  Swap MA  2 MWh  1–3 months  60.85-98.10  91.98  105    5 MWh  1–3 months  11 
    TTF Swap DA  52 MWh  up to 4 years  12.52-89.20  20.33  (824)  (3,691)  29 MWh  up to 4 years  (446) 
    TTF Swap  MA  6 MWh  up to 3 years  64.30-167.50  104.19  (1 026)         
    BRENT Swap   2 bbl  up to 12 months  43.58-43.87  43.67  207    4 bbl  up to 3 years  117 
    HH NYMEX  171 mmBtu  up to 3 years  2.24-3.70  2.67  60  424  31 mmBtu  up to 4 years  24 
    HH NYMEX  29 mmBtu  up to 3 years  2.86-3.70  3.36    (36)  33 mmBtu  up to 4 years  (20) 
              (715)  (3,303)      (28) 
            Total  (582)  (3,196)    Total  (169) 
          Including: Assets 1,294  597  Including:  Assets 449 
            Liabilities 1,876  3,793    Liabilities 618 
    Type of hedging instrument  Notional amount  Carrying amount  Item in statement of financial position containing hedging instrument  Change in fair value of hedging instrument used as basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness in a given period  Hedging gains or losses for reporting period, recognised in other comprehensive income  Hedge ineffectiveness amount taken to profit or loss  Statement of comprehensive income (statement of profit or loss) item in which ineffectiveness amount is included  Amount reclassified from cash flow hedging reserve to profit or loss as reclassification adjustment  Item of statement of comprehensive income (statement of profit or loss) in which reclassification adjustment is included 
    Assets  Liabilities 
    CURRENCY RISK                     
    Forward contracts for currency purchase (USD/PLN)  2,507  149  2  Derivative financial instruments  221  247    Operating income / expenses    Not applicable 
    Forward contracts to purchase USD for EUR (EUR/USD)  3,690  181  1  Derivative financial instruments  174  216    Operating income / expenses  (1)  Revenue from sales of gas 
    Average rate forwards (EUR/PLN)  3,507  2  89  Derivative financial instruments  (133)  (41)    Operating income / expenses  36  Revenue from sales of gas 
    Basis swap contracts for gas price indices  445  327    Derivative financial instruments  (258)  (231)    Operating income / expenses  584  Revenue from sales of gas 
    Swap contracts for gas price indices  21,497  541  5,541  Derivative financial instruments  (5,070)  (5,116)  1  Operating income / expenses  78  Revenue from sales of gas 
    Swap contracts for HH price indices  3,035  484  36  Derivative financial instruments  465  460  2  Operating income / expenses    Not applicable 
    Swap contracts for petroleum product price indices  507  207    Derivative financial instruments  421  304    Operating income / expenses    Not applicable 
    Total  35,188  1,891  5,669    (4,180)  (4,161)  3    697   


    Type of hedging instrument  Notional amount  Carrying amount  Item in statement of financial position containing hedging instrument  Change in fair value of hedging instrument used as basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness in a given period  Hedging gains or losses for reporting period, recognised in other comprehensive income  Hedge ineffectiveness amount taken to profit or loss  Statement of comprehensive income (statement of profit or loss) item in which ineffectiveness amount is included  Amount reclassified from cash flow hedging reserve to profit or loss as reclassification adjustment  Item of statement of comprehensive income (statement of profit or loss) in which reclassification adjustment is included 
    Assets  Liabilities 
    Forward contracts for currency purchase (USD/PLN)  2,267  11  38  Derivative financial instruments  75  60    Operating income / expenses    Not applicable 
    Forward contracts to purchase USD for EUR (EUR/USD)  1,183    41  Derivative financial instruments  (38)  (39)    Operating income / expenses  2  Revenue from sales of gas 
    Average rate forwards (EUR/PLN)  2,611    73  Derivative financial instruments  (41)  (172)    Operating income / expenses  (51)  Revenue from sales of gas 
    Basis swap contracts for gas price indices  403  11  37  Derivative financial instruments  (100)  (99)    Operating income / expenses  38  Revenue from sales of gas 
    Swap contracts for gas price indices  4,274  286  409  Derivative financial instruments  889  (48)  32  Operating income / expenses  (1 051)  Revenue from sales of gas 
    Swap contracts for HH price indices  610  24  20  Derivative financial instruments  (19)  (7)    Operating income / expenses    Not applicable 
    Swap contracts for petroleum product price indices  699  117    Derivative financial instruments  151  151    Operating income / expenses    Not applicable 
    Total  12,047  449  618    917  (154)  32    (1,062)   

    The impact of cash flow hedges is presented in the table below.

      2021  2020 
    Hedged items  Change in value of hedged item used as basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness in given period  Balance of cash flow hedging reserve for continuing hedges  Balance remaining in cash flow hedging reserve in respect of all hedging relationships for which hedge accounting is no longer applied  Change in value of hedged item used as basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness in given period  Balance of cash flow hedging reserve for continuing hedges  Balance remaining in cash flow hedging reserve in respect of all hedging relationships for which hedge accounting is no longer applied 
    Natural gas (USD)  (221)  147    (75)  (26)   
    Natural gas (EUR/USD)  (174)  180    38  (41)   
    Natural gas (EUR)  133  (75)  (22)  41  (69)  (24) 
    Gas contracts indexed to European gas price indices (daily or monthly)  5,330  (4,644)  (1,916)  (807)  (176)  195 
    Gas contracts indexed to monthly Henry Hub price indices  (462)  448  (1)  24  3   
    Gas contracts indexed to monthly petroleum product indices  (421)  207    (151)  117   
    Total  4,185  (3,737)  (1,939)  (930)  (192)  171 
    Derivative instruments not designated for hedge accounting  2021  2020 
    Type of derivative instrument  Notional amount (million)  Maturity of fair value  Notional amount (million) Fair value 
        up to 1 year  over 1 year     
    Derivative instruments hedging interest rate risk and currency risk
    NOK  3,818 NOK    (141)  3,818 NOK  (45) 
    EUR  206 EUR  15    77 EUR  10 
    EUR  142 EUR  (4)    2 EUR   
    EUR/USD  204  3       
    EUR/USD  15  (1)  (3)     
    USD        16 USD  5 
    Currency swap           
    EUR  503 EUR  35    558 EUR  78 
    EUR  338 EUR  (36)    534 EUR  (78) 
        12  (144)    (30) 
    Derivative instruments used as economic hedges of electricity purchase prices 
    electricity – POLPX 1 MWh  442    2 MWh  44 
    electricity – POLPX  6 MWh  (308)  (2)  15 MWh  5 
    electricity – OTC  0,15 MWh  79  13  1 MWh  14 
    electricity – OTC  0,42 MWh  (256)  (31)  1 MWh  (23) 
    electricity – EEX AG  0,38 MWh  230  32  1 MWh  26 
    electricity – EEX AG  0,11 MWh  (55)  (12)  1 MWh  (17) 
        132      49 
    Derivative instruments used to hedge gas purchase and selling prices 
    Gas        0,04 MWh  (1) 
    gas – OTC  78 MWh  1 652  482  20 MWh  204 
    gas – OTC  16 MWh  (2 179)  (599)  19 MWh  (239) 
    gas – PPX  2 MWh  352  68  3 MWh  50 
    gas – PPX    (15)       
    gas – ICE ENDEX B.V.  1 MWh  157  15  3 MWh  59 
    gas – ICE ENDEX B.V.    (40)  (5)  3 MWh  (61) 
    gas – POWERNEXT SA  2 MWh  317  84  1 MWh  12 
    gas – POWERNEXT SA  2 MWh  (238)  (45)  2 MWh  (19) 
    HH NYMEX  3 mmBtu  7  1     
    HH NYMEX  6 mmBtu  (5)  (7)     
    GASPOOL DA        1 MWh  17 
    GASPOOL DA        1 MWh  (5) 
    BRENT  0,29 bbl  (31)    0,31 bbl  (2) 
    TTF swap DA  14 MWh  2 463  90  28 MWh  431 
    TTF swap DA  28 MWh  (4 991)  (230)  19 MWh  (248) 
    TTF swap MA  4 MWh  436       
    TTF swap MA  1 MWh  (34)    3 MWh  (4) 
        (2 149)  (146)    194 
    Derivative instruments used to hedge oil prices 
    Crude oil – ICE Futures Europe  0,01 bbl  1       
    Crude oil – ICE Futures Europe  0,01 bbl  (1)       
    Derivative instruments used to hedge purchase prices of CO2 emission allowances 
    Forwards  1 t  (93)    1 t  (43) 
    Futures  1 t  87    2 t  38 
        (6)      (5) 
    Derivative instruments used to hedge share purchase prices 
    Options  7 million shares  1  15  7 million shares  16 
      Total  (2,010)  (275)  Total  224 
      Including:      Including:   
      Assets  6,278  799  Assets  1,004 
      Liabilities  8,288  1,074  Liabilities  780 

    The impact of cash flow hedges on equity is presented in the table below.

      2021  2020 
    At beginning of the period  (21)  910 
    Hedging gains or losses recognised in other comprehensive income during reporting period  422  (152) 
    Amount reclassified from cash flow hedging reserve to statement of profit or loss as reclassification adjustment  34  (49) 
    Amount transferred from cash flow hedging reserve and recognised as adjustment to carrying amount of inventories  (66)  (107) 
    Hedging gains or losses recognised in other comprehensive income during reporting period  (4,584)  (4) 
    Amount reclassified from cash flow hedging reserve to statement of profit or loss as reclassification adjustment  662  (1,012) 
    Amount transferred from cash flow hedging reserve and recognised as adjustment to carrying amount of inventories  (2,123)  393 
    At end of the period  (5,676)  (21) 

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