5.3.2 Dividend paid and proposed

On July 9th 2021, the Annual General Meeting of PGNiG resolved to distribute PLN 6,908,548,870.60, comprising PGNiG S.A.’s net profit for 2020 of PLN 6,908,551,193.11 and accumulated loss brought forward of PLN 2,322.51 resulting from correction of prior period, as follows:

a) PLN 1,213,446,119.97 to dividend payment;

b) PLN 5,695,102,750.63 to statutory reserve funds of the Company.

Dividend was paid on 5,778,314,857 shares, and the dividend per share was PLN 0.21 (twenty-one grosz). The dividend record date and the dividend payment date were set for July 19th 2021 and August 3rd 2021, respectively.

  2021 2020
Dividend paid in the period
Dividend per share paid (PLN) 0.21 0.09
Number of shares 5,778 5,778
Dividend paid 1,213 520
dividend paid to owners of the parent 1,213 520
dividend paid to minority shareholders

For detailed information on the dividend policy, see Directors’ Report the operations of the PGNiG Group and PGNiG S.A. for 2021.

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