4.1.2 Deferred tax expense



  Jan 1st 2020 Net
Other comprehensi
ve income
Other changes
recognised in equity
Dec 31st
ve income
Other changes
recognised in equity
Changes in the Group Other changes Dec 31st
Deferred tax assets
Employee benefit obligations 164 17 10 191 (5) (11) 175
Provision for well decommissioning costs* 543 229 17 789 2 25 286 1,102
Other provisions 64 39 3 (9) 97 3 (2) (1) 97
Measurement of derivatives 240 62 9 311 2,179 2,490
Impairment of non-current assets 108 70 178 (66) 2 114
Tax loss 52 (11) 41 120 161
Other deferred tax assets 249 (73) 176 211 387
Total deferred tax assets 1,420 333 13 17 1,783 2,444 (13) 25 286 1 4,526
Deferred tax liabilities
Difference between tax and accounting value of non-current assets* 2,346 146 25 2,517 780 51 2 734 549 6,631
Measurement of derivative financial instruments 512 (12) (231) 54 9 332 2,094 (659) (416) 1,351
Other deferred tax liabilities 913 188 19 1,120 1 55 (554) 622
Total deferred tax liabilities 3,771 322 (231) 54 53 3,969 2,875 (659) (416) 106 2,734 (5) 8,604
Set-off of assets and liabilities (1,388)         (1,741)             (3,032)
After set-off                          
Assets 32 333       42 2,444           1 494
Liabilities 2,383 322       2,228 2,875           5,572
Net effect of changes in the period   11 244 (54) (36)   (431) 646 416 (81) (2,448) 6  
*As at the end of 2021, the Group analysed individual items of deferred tax assets and liabilities that are disclosed in the statement of financial position on a net basis. Following the analysis, the items' Provision for well decommissioning costs' (deferred tax assets) and 'Difference between tax and accounting value of non-current assets’ (deferred tax liabilities) increased the amount of the opening balance for these items in 2020 and 2021 by PLN 346m and PLN 539m, respectively. These items, both in 2020 and 2021, were derecognised and did not affect the presentation of deferred tax assets and liabilities in the statement of financial position


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