The selection of employees is another important driver of the Group’s success.

Staff is hired in accordance with current needs and job profile. PGNiG and the PGNiG Group operate a recruitment process designed to select candidates that would deliver added value to the entire team. The Group also enables existing employees to participate in the recruitment process. Internal recruitment allows to better exploit the potential of current employees, who are given an opportunity to progress their career and gain new experience not only within their company but at any PGNiG Group company. In line with its Code of Ethics, the organisation does not differentiate between candidates because of their gender, age, physical disabilities, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. Questions that candidates can perceive as discriminatory are prohibited during the recruitment process.

The process helps to get to know the candidates better and to find out more about their competencies, professional experience and personal career goals. It also enables potential employees to learn about the organisational culture and development opportunities offered by PGNiG and the Group. A transparent employee recruitment and selection process facilitates a responsible choice of staff and development of candidates.

The recruitment process at PGNiG takes place through the SAP SuccessFactors system and is undertaken in response to a vacancy in a department or organisational unit. The initiation of this process is the responsibility of the manager, who registers the application in the system. The application is then subject to approval by designated decision makers. As the company gives priority to internal recruitment, recruitment announcements are first published internally within the organisation and are addressed to employees of the PGNiG Group. After an employee is recruited internally, the recruitment process ends. Only if internal efforts are unsuccessful, the announcement is published on external recruitment websites and the company’s website in the CAREER section.

Recruitment tools tailored to a particular job are used, such as analytical tests, work samples, language and knowledge tests, etc. The choice of tools depends on the position for which recruitment is held. Each recruitment process also involves a job interview. Based on the results of such tests and interviews, a decision is made and an employment offer is presented to the selected candidate.

A similar employee selection process is also carried out at other PGNIG Group companies, based on such documents as: ‘Standard of Employee Selection and Recruitment at the PGNiG Group’ and other internal regulations in place at individual business units, such as the Work Rules and ‘Employee recruitment and selection rules’. Recruitment is initiated by the manager of an organisational or business unit where recruitment is to take place. Following announcement of a job posting, candidates employed by a given company are considered first, followed by candidates from other PGNIG Group companies (if the job posting has been published across the PGNIG Group). In justified cases, simultaneous internal and external recruitment is allowed.

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