Management and succession programmes
Preventing knowledge loss in the event of departure of an employee and creating conditions conducive to keeping the knowledge within the organisation are among the strategic tasks of PGNiG’s and PGNiG Group’s HR policy.
To that end, the Group conducts management skills training programmes in individual business units. The Mentoring Academy is the Group’s flagship HR initiative, designed to develop common management policies and models, provide onboarding training for new managers to embrace their new management tasks and roles, foster a culture of collaboration, and disseminate knowledge-sharing practices. Considering the diversity of processes and, by extension, the diversity of competence needs at the individual companies, projects are tailored as needed.
In 2021, GSP ran a Mentoring Programme with the aim of improving specific skills necessary for effective implementation of processes in particular professional areas. 26 employees in the Gas Plant Area and the Infrastructure Area participated in the programme.
In 2021, PGNiG Gazoprojekt carried out the second edition of the ‘Gazoprojekt Academy’ project for younger employees to enable them to learn more about the nature of the company’s business and projects. The project is meant as a platform for knowledge sharing and fostering cooperation among various business areas. 55 employees participated in more than a dozen internal lectures, including industry-related ones, and in the ‘Gazoprojekt Great Projects’ series. Gazoprojekt was also the company where training was provided as part of the Managers Academy project for 44 members of management staff.
In 2021, PGNIG TERMIKA EP launched a ‘Leader with Energy’ programme, which carried out a competence survey among 100 designated employees of the production area. The programme was necessary due to succession gap and the gradual acquisition of the right to retirement by supervisory staff. Development initiatives based on employee survey results will be carried out in 2022.
Specialised internal and external training directly related to various types of work was also provided at the individual companies, mainly online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Programmes are also in place at the Group to ensure continuity of employment in the context of retirements. Soon-to-be retirees are identified one year before their employment contract ends and, depending on the job, their duties are being taken over by successors. Employees retiring due to old age or ill health are entitled to severance payments (e.g., at PSG 208 persons exercised this right in 2021). This is why internal and external recruitment processes are carried out. To maintain continuity of employment in individual jobs across the PGNiG Group, the organisation offers both horizontal promotion (whereby employees are transferred to another business unit) and vertical promotion (whereby employees are promoted to a higher position).