- The Supervisory Board exercises ongoing supervision of the Company’s activities in all areas of its operations, and presents its opinions on all matters submitted by the Management Board for consideration to the General Meeting.
- The Supervisory Board may appoint standing or ad hoc committees (established as needed), to act as the Supervisory Board’s collective advisory and opinion-forming bodies. In 2019, one committee operated at the Supervisory Board – the Audit Committee.
- The Supervisory Board operates in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board.
- The Company’s Supervisory Board consists of five to nine members appointed by the General Meeting.
- One Supervisory Board member should meet the independence criteria specified in the Articles of Association. In 2019, the Supervisory Board of the Company consisted of 3 independent members who were also members of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board.
- The State Treasury, represented by the minister competent for matters pertaining to energy, has the right to appoint and remove one member of the Supervisory Board.
- If the Supervisory Board consists of up to six members, two members are appointed from among persons elected by the Company’s employees and employees of all of its subsidiaries; if the Supervisory Board consists of seven to nine members, three members are appointed from among candidates elected by the employees.
- Supervisory Board members are appointed for a joint term of office lasting three years.