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The stakeholders of the PGNiG Group were identified and updated in 2020 in accordance with the recognised method proposed by G. Johnson and K. Scholes, which helps identify stakeholder groups with similar expectations in terms of their interest and power. Certain modifications were made in 2021, which involved combining stakeholder groups with similar characteristics and power over the organisation. This classification and approach to the PGNiG Group’s stakeholders facilitates stakeholder management and helps better adapt to specific information needs. The result of the work is the stakeholder matrix, which shows not only the power and level of impact of a particular group on the PGNiG Group, but also the type of impact, which may be positive, neutral or negative. The graphic form allows the Group to combine those stakeholder groups which have specific information requirements.

In addition, the relationships and impact of the stakeholders, as well as their expectations and influence on the PGNiG Group were analysed. The communication methods and topics most frequently addressed as part of the interaction were also taken into account. The table below presents the diversity and scale of stakeholders’ interest, which the Group manages.

Description of the stakeholder Group
Stakeholder communication channels
Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders
Partners in equity-related strategic alliances. The State Treasury is the majority shareholder of the PGNiG Group. The minority shareholders include Polish and international pension and investment funds, as well as businesses and retail investors. Banks and other financial institutions represent a significant segment of this stakeholder group, providing financing for the Group’s day-today operations and strategic projects. Analysts provide complete information to potential investors.
  • meetings and conferences for shareholders and investors,
  • current and periodic reports,
  • newsletter,
  • reports and information materials,
  • email and telephone contact with the Investor Relations Department,
  • direct email and telephone contact with the PGNiG Group’s business units,
  • official contacts with governmental authorities,
  • joint initiatives of the PGNiG Group and governmental authorities: conferences, workshops, bilateral meetings,
  • individual meetings with the Management Board and key personnel,
  • current and periodic reports,
  • reports and information materials,
  • industry conferences,
  • joint projects and business initiatives.
  • the Group’s financial standing,
  • transparency of operation,
  • the Group’s strategy and objectives and strategic plans,
  • development activities,
  • the Group’s values.
  • reporting on the progress of processes involving the European Commission’s guidelines on climate neutrality, the European Green Deal, human rights, ethics and corporate governance, while ensuring that profits are earned and the leading position is maintained through a development process aligned with the current and expected market landscape, are all a part of the analysts’ assessment.
  • The PGNiG Group is in dialogue with analysts, informing them of its ESG implementation and monitoring.
  • working relationships
  • ustomer satisfaction.

Description of the stakeholder group
Stakeholder communication channels
Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders
As a leading integrated gas and oil group in Poland, PGNiG has a broad base of retail and business customers, whom it supplies chiefly with natural resources (in particular gas and crude oil), as well as other products and services offered by the many companies forming part of the Group. Its generation segment supplies heat and electricity to the market.
  • satisfaction surveys
  • helpline
  • Group companies’ websites
  • Customer Service Offices
  • eBOK (electronic Customer Service
  • Office)
  • dedicated business consultants
  • contact centre
  • tailored terms and conditions of business
  • development of new products and services
  • discount policy
  • working relationships
  • quality of offered products
  • customer satisfaction.
Description of the stakeholder
Stakeholder communication channels
Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders
The PGNiG Group is one of the largest employers in Poland. Its workforce is comprised of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience. Employees are a group of stakeholders who, through their knowledge, experience and skills, create added value for PGNiG by providing high-quality products and services. Employees build PGNiG’s organisational culture, support implementation of the Group’s strategic objectives, and directly contribute to ensuring Poland’s energy security. Representatives of the PGNiG Trade Unions voice the employees’ opinions and take part in important decisions with regard to the organisation’s HR policy. They communicate the employees’ opinions on the working conditions to the Group as an employer, and present the terms and conditions of agreements between the parties with respect to professional and social matters.
  • consultations with employee representatives (as needed),
  • Employee Council (meetings/consultations in accordance with statutory requirements)
  • a group of communicators (employees responsible for internal communication processes) – communicator meetings held typically several times a year
  • daily electronic newsletter, corporate intranet
  • employee surveys (a large-scale survey held every two or three years, and yearly satisfaction surveys on the quality of communication and IT services)
  • special-occasion meetings
  • current and periodic reports
  • reports and information materials
  • job postings
  • press conferences
  • contact with employees of individual Group companies and PGNiG Branches responsible for conducting dialogue with the employer
  • remuneration and bonus scheme
  • payroll policy
  • potential for development
  • assistance and benefits
  • family-friendly policy
  • stability and certainty of employment
  • development plans
  • operating strategy
  • respect for human rights.

Description of the stakeholder group
Stakeholder communication channels
Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders
Suppliers and business partners comprise both key entities of strategic importance to Poland’s energy security and smaller companies that support the Group in the implementation of its technological processes. These are, on the one hand, entities that work with the PGNiG Group in the supply of gas from Poland to other countries with which the Group has signed long-term contracts. On the other hand, this stakeholder group includes companies with whom the PGNiG Group carries out its development and innovation projects to implement new technologies and solutions. Innovators and start-ups are a group of stakeholders that are expected to help the PGNiG Group to achieve dynamic growth by providing inspiration for innovative projects consistent with global trends. Research institutions and universities: cooperation with scientific and research institutions and universities is among the cornerstones of PGNiG. The key element of the Group’s growth is its intellectual capital, represented by top-class experts’ knowledge, patents and innovative solutions implemented on an industrial scale, which makes the Group a market leader. Social partners: A significant group of stakeholders actively involved in social campaigns and charitable projects – a beneficiary of programmes implemented mainly by the PGNiG Foundation.
  • interacting with contractors in the course of procurement processes, in keeping with the rules of fair competition and equal treatment of contractors,
  • involving contractors in optimising procurement within individual product segments, e.g. through technical dialogue with contractors, RFIs, etc.
  • evaluation of working relationships
  • industry conferences
  • one-on-one meetings, interaction within business and industry organisations
  • IT platform for suppliers and trading partners
  • joint projects and business initiatives
  • competitions for innovation projects
  • conferences, workshops and meetings for entrepreneurs running start-ups
  • cooperation with PGNiG Ventures, a corporate venture capital fund
  • direct email and telephone contact
  • joint projects
  • consultations and expert support for investment projects
  • support for vocational education at all levels
  • the PGNiG Foundation’s projects and grants
  • dedicated business consultants
  • involvement in worldwide humanitarian and charity relief efforts in Poland and globally – through the PGNiG Foundation
  • working relationships
  • transparent rules of cooperation with and selection of suppliers
  • conditions of accepting and making complaints about deliveries
  • joint sectoral initiatives, including events and conferences
  • quality of offered products
  • planned product development
  • customer satisfaction
  • the Group’s strategy and objectives
  • development activities
  • joint ventures
  • development plans
  • support for community education
  • joint initiatives and projects
  • impact on local community development
  • financial support
  • joint community initiatives

Description of the stakeholder group
Stakeholder communication channels
Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders
PGNiG cooperates with all stakeholders, including local residents, representatives of local governments, businesses and organisations. The media is a main channel of communication with other stakeholders, through which the Group provides, locally and nationwide, information about key events, projects and achievements of strategic importance to Poland and individual communities. The media also have their role in opinion-forming in other stakeholder groups through interviews, conferences, publication of financial and nonfinancial reports.
  • public consultations (in accordance with the law and the Company’s concept of social dialogue; other activities – as needed)
  • activities of the PGNiG Foundation
  • direct interaction with local authorities and organisations
  • dialogue relating to ongoing investment projects
  • press articles
  • interviews
  • magazine and newspaper inserts
  • the press office and press releases
  • commentaries and opinions
  • discussions, debates, consultations
  • press/earnings conferences
  • special-occasion meetings
  • investment plans
  • support to local communities
  • regional initiatives.
  • net profit/(loss)
  • the Group’s strategy and objectives
  • development activities
  • the Group’s values.

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