Organizations and associations
GRI Indexes
PGNiG’s participation in the activities of industry associations and organisations is a vital element of the efforts to build responsible business and industry relations.
All PGNiG Group companies are active participants of the public debate on building a modern and responsible energy sector in Poland. The Group is a member of and has working ties with several dozen industry organisations both in Poland and internationally. Membership of PGNiG Group companies in selected associations and organisations is presented below.
List of organisations and associations – PGNiG Group
No. | Name of organisation/association | Description of partnership and examples of projects | Membership |
1) | International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) | IOGP is a global association of companies and organisations representing the E&P (exploration and production) sector and operating in North and South America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, the Caspian Sea region, Arctica, Asia and Australia. IOGP is the voice of the global upstream industry. The IOGP’s European office in Brussels, which is very active in the EU forum, is of particular importance to the Company. | PGNiG |
2) | European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) | EFET is an association of European energy traders in wholesale electricity and gas markets. It was founded in 1999 in response to the liberalisation of electricity and gas markets within the European Union. EFET advocates policies and regulatory measures which allow electricity and gas trading to develop freely while encouraging good risk management practices and responsible corporate governance. Membership of EFET offers access to upto- date information on the current work on the European energy policy, particularly in the area of trade in energy products. In addition, EFET develops standard contracts for wholesale supply of electricity and gas, which are used in the trade in energy products. | PGNiG, PST |
3) | European Gas Research Group (GERG) | The European Gas Research Group, along with its member organisations, work with the European energy community to develop innovative gas infrastructure solutions, as a response to the need to transform Europe’s energy sector. PGNiG is involved, among other initiatives, in the GERG project for CEN (European Committee for Standardisation), involving the review of existing and development of new standards on the introduction of hydrogen into gas networks. In particular, this includes adding hydrogen to natural gas networks, use of hydrogen-rich H2NG blends, and modification of gas networks and related sectors to enable their use in hydrogen economy. | PGNiG |
4) | European Energy Forum (EEF) | EEF holds energy-related debates, discussions and study visits, focusing on topics included in the EU energy agenda. | PGNiG |
5) | Gas Processors Association Europe Ltd. | Gas Processors Association Europe serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on gas processing for operators, consultants and suppliers; It promotes technical and operational excellence in the European gas processing industry. | PGNiG |
6) | International Well Control Forum | The overriding objective of the organisation is to develop and manage well control training, accreditation and certification programmes designed for the E&P sector in the oil and gas industry. | PGNiG |
7) | American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) | American Association of Petroleum Geologists is one of the world’s largest professional associations of geologists working towards the advancement of the science of geology, especially as it relates to petroleum, natural gas, and other mineral resources. It promotes new exploration technologies in an economically and environmentally sound manner. | PGNiG |
8) | Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) | SIGTTO is an association of international gas tanker and terminal operators, formed as an international organisation for industry participants to share experience, address common problems and derive policy for improvement to maritime operations. SIGTTO is actively involved in research for the use of gas as a marine fuel and publishes various relevant industry guidelines. | PGNiG |
9) | Hydrogen Europe | Hydrogen Europe represents the European industry, national associations and research centres active in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector. The association works closely with the European Commission under innovation programmes covering hydrogen technologies. | PGNiG |
10) | Klub Polskich Laboratoriów Badawczych (Polish Research Laboratories’ Club, POLLAB) | POLLAB brings together Polish research, measurement and product certification laboratories to collaborate and share experience with respect to the implementation of quality management systems compliant with European standards. It offers its members a chance to collaborate and share experience with respect to the implementation of quality management systems compliant with European standards. | PGNiG, Termika, Exalo |
11) | Główny Urząd Miar (Central Office of Measures, GUM) | Poland’s Central Office of Measures offers PGNiG a chance to participate in developing metering methods and designing new metering stations, as well as exchange experience with representatives of the industry and scientific circles, also with regard to legislative changes. | PGNiG (CLPB) |
12) | Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny (Polish Committee for Standardisation, PKN) | Partnership with the Polish Committee for Standardisation enables the PGNiG Group companies to consult on the relevant standards as they are developed, and to prepare well for new international standards. It also offers an opportunity to influence the standards developed at international, European and national levels. | PGNiG (CLPB), PSG |
13) | Klaster Technologii Wodorowych i Czystych Technologii Węglowych (Cluster of Hydrogen and Clean Coal Technologies) (NEXUS) | The Cluster forms a platform for cooperation in the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies and in the formulation of proposals for legislative measures and development of technology and safety standards necessary to introduce hydrogen into the Polish and European economies. Cluster members implement national and international R&D and business projects, use consultancy, education and training opportunities and attend seminars and industry and scientific conferences provided by the Cluster. | PGNiG |
14) | Izba Gospodarcza Gazownictwa (Chamber of Natural Gas Industry, IGG) | IGG brings together Polish gas industry operators to represent the economic interests of its members vis-à-vis central and local authorities and social organisations, scientific and economic institutions, as well as foreign authorities and institutions. IGG also engages in lobbying for the gas industry, integrates individuals and corporations having interests in the gas industry, promotes natural gas as a modern and environmentally friendly fuel, and contributes to developing programmes for the advancement of the gas industry. | PGNiG and the PGNiG Group companies |
15) | Towarzystwo Obrotu Energią (Association of Energy Trading, TOE) | TOE is an association of more than 30 Polish energy utilities, representing electricity and gas operators before the supervisory authorities such as the Energy Regulatory Office and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, as well as in the course of legislative work. | PGNiG, PGNIG OD |
16) | Forum Liderów Bezpiecznej Pracy – Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (CIOP-PIB) (Forum for Safe Work Leaders at the Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute) | The Forum is an organisation coordinated by CIOP-PIB and currently bringing together 160 businesses and institutions which may serve as role models in safe work culture. The Forum aims to build partnership between its members as well as between employees and employers who use science and technology achievements (in particular the solutions developed by the Central Institute for Labour Protection – State Research Institute) in shaping working conditions. | PGNiG, PSG |
17) | Polskie Towarzystwo Elektrociepłowni Zawodowych (Polish Association of Industrial CHP Plants, PTEZ) | The overriding objective of PTEZ is to identify ways to solve problems related to the generation and use of electricity and heat and to inspire directions for development of combined heat and power generation sources with due regard to the interests of the general public and environmental protection. PTEZ task forces have prepared and consulted legal revisions relating to heat markets and the capacity and electricity market (including amendments to the Capacity Market Act and to the Capacity Market Rules). The environmental protection task force prepared PTEZ positions on, inter alia, amendments to the Waste Act, the Act on Mitigating the Effects of Draughts, environmental regulations covered by the so-called COVID Act, as well as the introduction of circular economy regulations into national laws. PTEZ is engaged in regulatory work at the Community level, including by directly communicating its position as to the level of benchmarks adopted to determine the number of free CO2 emission allowances allocated in the EU ETS Phase 4 trading period. At the same time, the EU climate policy task force kept an eye on and consulted European regulations regarding the European Green Deal (including the revision of reduction targets by 2030 and the Taxonomy). | Termika |
18) | Izba Gospodarcza Ciepłownictwo Polskie (Polish Heat Industry Commercial Chamber) | The joint team with PTEZ worked on designing solutions for the heat industry in relation to implementation into the national legal framework of the EU RED II Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. | Termika |
19) | Towarzystwo Gospodarcze Polskie Elektrownie (Polish Power Plants Association) | The association engages in the electricity generation sector. Its task forces consulted, among other initiatives, the legislative proposals relating to amendments to the Capacity Market Act, amendments to the Environmental Protection Act, and improvements to regulations on metering in reference to BAT conclusions. | Termika |
20) | Ogólnokrajowa Sieć Laboratoriów Nadzorowanych ‘LABIOMEN’ (‘LABIOMEN’ Nationwide Network of Supervised Laboratories) | PGNiG Termika’s laboratory took part in proficiency tests and inter-laboratory benchmarking for biomass, hard coal, combustion waste, light oil and heavy oil testing, as well as in conferences on fuel research, and in the audit of sample preparation and testing of hard coal and biomass organised and conducted by the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal. | Termika |
21) | Gas Infrastructure Europe: Gas Storage Europe | GIE seeks to develop common solutions in terms of the provision of storage services, operation of underground gas storage facilities, expansion of storage capacities, joint interpretation of EU regulations, as well as legislative initiatives related to gas storage. The organisation represents the interests of its members vis-à-vis EU institutions and regulatory authorities through active participation in processes promoting the development of a stable and secure gas market in Europe. | GSP |
22) | International Association of Geophysical Contractors (IAGC) | Monitoring of occupational health and safety standards with respect to geophysical services provided by the company. | Geofizyka Toruń |
23) | Polskie Towarzystwo Morskiej Energetyki Wiatrowa (Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society) | The organisation engages in activities intended to support the development of the Polish offshore wind power sector. | Geofizyka Toruń |
24) | International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) | IADC is an international association bringing together drilling companies from all around the world, holding conferences, fairs, lectures, and other events. IADC membership is required to participate in foreign tenders for drilling and related services. | Exalo |
25) | ‘DROPS’ Silverdot Limited | DROPS is a global task force represented by approximately 200 operators, business partners, service providers and industry bodies, which develops occupational safety standards for the drilling industry. Membership of DROPS is required by most foreign operators for which Exalo carries out drilling projects abroad. | Exalo |
26) | Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe (AMICE) | As a member of AMICE, Polski Gaz TUW has an opportunity to exchange experience with insurance companies from other countries, and participate in seminars and training programmes organised by AMICE. Thanks to the membership of AMICE, the company may also engage in the planned revisions of EU regulations with respect to the insurance business. | Polski Gaz TUW |
27) | Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń (Polish Chamber of Insurance; PIU) | As a mutual insurance company, Polski Gaz TUW is under a statutory obligation to become a member of PIU, in accordance with the Act on Insurance and Reinsurance Activities. It also has an opportunity to exchange experience with other Polish insurance companies and participate in seminars, training and congresses organised by PIU. Furthermore, through its membership of PIU, Polski Gaz TUW has an influence on the planned legislative and regulatory changes relating directly or indirectly to the insurance sector. It participates in PIU’s Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Groups. | Polski Gaz TUW |
28) | Izba Gospodarcza Komunikacji Miejskiej (The Chamber of Commerce for Urban Transport) | Thanks to its membership of the Chamber of Commerce for Urban Transport, PGNiG OD has an opportunity to initiate legislative and lobbying initiatives to make sure that CNG, LNG and hydrogen are duly recognised in legal acts and regulations as well as other legislation developed by the European Commission (e.g. regulations on electric mobility and alternative fuels). The company also has access to information on actual market needs, current trends, and new solutions offered by bus manufacturers. | PGNIG OD |
29) | Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (National Centre for Research and Development, NCBiR) | Partnership with NCBiR enables participation in the evaluation of scientific and research projects related to LNG technologies, providing access to new LNG technology and knowledge. Research work is planned to develop, and pave the way towards deployment, of new technologies for the use of LNG as an alternative fuel in various fields of application. | PGNiG, PSG |
30) | Task Force at the Ministry of State Assets / Ministry of Climate for creation of the Polish hydrogen economy development plans. | Participation in the development of the Polish hydrogen strategy. Influencing the government’s future decisions, e.g. regarding the introduction of hydrogen into gas networks. Direct contacts and an opportunity to exchange views and experience with representatives of a wide group of business operators and institutions, including at the ministry level. | PGNiG, PSG |
31) | Norsk Olje og Gas (NOROG) | NOROG (Norwegian Oil and Gas Association) coordinates joint operations and initiatives of the oil and gas industry. The organisation has a number of working groups and task forces, with PUN being a member of several of them. It is the only industry organisation for oil, gas and distribution companies. Major NOROG initiatives currently in progress:
32) | Oljedirektoratet, FORCE | Partnership for oil and gas research under the auspices of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. | PUN |
33) | NHO (Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon) | The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises (NHO) is Norway’s largest organisation for employers and the leading business lobbyist. Their main objective is to create and sustain conditions that safeguard the competitiveness and profitability of business and industry in Norway. | PUN |
34) | NOFO (Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies) | NOFO is a non-profit organisation owned by oil and gas companies. It owns the infrastructure necessary to control oil spills and supports its members seeking drilling permits by providing oil spill contingency plans. Major projects:
35) | Rose DHI consortium | Rose DHI consortium is a platform for international cooperation supported by many large oil companies with respect to the use of Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHIs) to reduce the risks associated with exploration for deposits. | PUN |
36) | HR NORGE | HR Norge is a member organisation and an educational platform for professionals interested in HR matters, labour rights, leadership and corporate management. It offers consultations and cooperation on Norwegian labour lawand pension system. | PUN |
37) | Central Europe Energy Partners | The mission of Central Europe Energy Partners is to promote balanced energy transition in accordance with the principal of technological neutrality, enhance regional cooperation and strengthen the region’s energy security. | PGNiG, PST |
38) | Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców (Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers) | The Union protects its members against abuse of power by the authorities, and offers business growth opportunities. It initiates and supports all activities aimed at eliminating from the Polish legal framework all barriers to business activity going beyond applicable EU requirements. | PGNiG |
39) | Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych (Polish Union of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians) | The Union is engaged in a wide range of activities related to organisation of conferences and meetings, training programmes, the issuance of technical reliability certificates, and international cooperation. | PGNiG, PSG |
40) | Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Naftowego i Gazowniczego, SITPNiG (Scientific Association of the Oil and Gas Industry Engineers and Technicians) | SITPNiG promotes state-of-the-art technical advances through its own publications, and by organising conferences, symposia and training programmes. It serves as a networking platform to facilitate contacts and cooperation between businesses, while striving to integrate the oil, gas and refining segments. SITPNiG is the driving force behind a series of meetings called the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Schools Session, which include Ignacy Łukasiewicz knowledge competitions. | PGNiG |
41) | Towarzystwo Sportowo Turystyczne Nafty i Gazu ‘SportGas’ (Oil and Gas Sports and Tourism Association ‘SportGas’) | The Association promotes physical activity and integrates sports enthusiasts by organising various sports competitions and events. | PGNiG and the PGNiG Group companies |
42) | Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych (Polish Association of Listed Companies) | The Association offers a platform of cooperation for the issuers of securities and other financial instruments, working together to ensure growth of the capital market, transform Polish economy and social life towards a market economy, enhance the organisational capabilities of its members, and ensure ethical conduct of capital market participants. It supports PGNiG in the performance of its disclosure obligations as a listed company and interactions with the European capital market supervisory authorities (ESMA) and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. | PGNiG |
43) | Bezpieczeństwo Gospodarcze Polski (Security of Poland Consortium) | The Consortium engages in wide-ranging research and promotion work (e.g. in the form of publications) to meet the actual and current needs of the Polish economy related to Poland’s economic security. Deliverables of the research projects are meant to enhance the country’s effective economic policy, both centrally and locally | PGNiG |
44) | Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne (Geological Society, PTG) | PTG is a scientific and social organisation, and its statutory mission envisages the advancement and dissemination of geological sciences and environmental protection. The Society acts in the best interests of the geological community in Poland, and establishes contacts and partnerships with geological communities in other countries. Membership of PTG gives the voice to Polish geologists in European geological forums. PTG also supports its members in efforts to obtain the European Geologist (EurGeol) professional qualifications, and also gives them access to many geological industry publications. | PGNiG |
45) |
International Association of Polish Enterprises in Ukraine (MSPPU)
The MSPPU supports Polish businesses in Ukraine. In particular, the Association offers assistance in establishing Polish-Ukrainian business relationships through various events, including training sessions, business brunches, B2B meetings, conferences, etc. The MSPPU places particular emphasis on networking and provides legal advice. | PGNiG |