Liquidity risk is defined as the risk of inadequate liquidity restricting the Group’s ability to finance its capital requirements or the risk of structural excess liquidity adversely affecting profitability of the Group’s business.

The main objective of the liquidity risk management is to monitor and plan the Group’s liquidity on a continuous basis. Liquidity is monitored through at least 12-month projections of future cash flows, which are updated once a month. The Group reviews the actual cash flows against projections at regular intervals, which comprises an analysis of unmet cash-flow targets, as well as the related causes and effects. 

The liquidity risk should not be associated exclusively with the risk of loss of liquidity by the Group. An equally serious threat is that of having excess structural liquidity, which could adversely affect the Group’s profitability. The Group monitors and plans its liquidity levels on a continuous basis. 

To enhance its liquidity position, the Group operates a note programme. For details on the issues of notes, see Note 5.2. 

The Group companies also use lines of credit; for credit limits, see Note 5.2.1. 

The liquidity risk at the parent is significantly mitigated by following the PGNiG S.A. Liquidity Management Procedure, which ensures proper management of financial liquidity through: 

  • execution of payments, 
  • cash flow forecasting, 
  • optimal management of free cash, 
  • raising new financing and restructuring existing funding arrangements to finance day-to-day operations and investment projects, 
  • providing protection against temporary liquidity constraints resulting from unforeseen disruptions, and servicing contracted bank loans. 

Measurement of the liquidity risk is based on ongoing detailed monitoring of cash flows, which takes into account the probability that specific flows will materialise, as well as the planned net cash position. 

The tables below present maturities of financial liabilities at contractual undiscounted amounts. 

2021 Time to contractual maturity at the reporting date  Total Carrying amount
Up to 3 months 3–12 months 1-3 years 3 – 5 years over 5 years
Financing liabilities  10,078 95 1,260 1,371 2,868 15,672 14,637
Bank borrowings  10,011 19  956 1,111 48 12,145 12,153
Lease liabilities  67 66  304 180 2,820 3,437 2,394
Other  10  80 90 90
Trade payables  6,433 68  66 11 27 6,605 6,605
Derivative financial liabilities   
– inflows  14 1,672  1,686
– outflows  (14) (1,810)  (1,824) 141
– inflows  3,184 4,118  771 11 8,084
– outflows  (3,698) (5,713)  (911) (14) (10,336) 3,478
– inflows  265 792  189 10 1,256
– outflows  (95) (254)  (56) (7) (412) 411
Commodity swap   
– inflows   
– outflows  (3,004) (3,907)  (3,937) (27) (10,875) 10,875
Other derivative instruments   
– inflows   
– outflows  (37) (24)  (66) (127) 126
Financial liabilities (outflows)  23,292 11,805  5,992 1,250 75 42,414
Financial liabilities, including inflows from derivatives  19,829 5,223  5,032 1,229 75 31,388 36,273


2020 Time to contractual maturity at the reporting date Total Carrying amount
Up to 3 months 3–12 months 1-3 years 3-5 years over 5 years
Financing liabilities  77 247 281 1,282 2,335 4,222 4,184
Bank borrowings  16 215 83 1,067 614 1,995 1,995
Lease liabilities  61 20 198 127 1,721 2,127 2,089
Other  12 88 100 100
Trade payables  2,252 81 62 11 39 2,445 2,445
Derivative financial liabilities 

– inflows 

11 34 1,566 1,611

– outflows 

(11) (34) (1,742) (1,787) 45

– inflows 

1,637 3,848 1,772 281 7,538

– outflows 

(1,682) (4,004) (1,833) (424) (7,943) 385

– inflows 

42 160 28 230

– outflows 

(7) (59) (7) (73) 97
Commodity swap 

– inflows 

– outflows 

(390) (221) (105) (8) (724) 725
Other derivative instruments 

– inflows 

– outflows 

(59) (38) (54) (151) 151
Financial liabilities (outflows)  4,417 4,664 3,886 1,598 653 15,218
Financial liabilities, including inflows from derivatives  2,727 622 520 1,317 653 5,839 8,032


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