2.4 Equity-accounted investees

Accounting policies

Joint arrangements

Joint arrangements include:

  • Joint operations (see Note 8.5),
  • Joint ventures.

As a partner in a joint venture, in the consolidated financial statements the Group recognises its interest in the joint venture as an investment and accounts for that investment with the equity method.

According to the equity method, investments are initially recognised at cost, and subsequently adjusted for the Group’s share in changes of their net assets which occurred in the period from the date joint control was assumed to the reporting date, less impairment. When the Group’s share of losses of a jointly controlled entity exceeds the Group’s interest in that entity, the Group discontinues recognising its share of further losses. Unrealised gains and losses on transactions between the Group and a jointly controlled entity are eliminated on consolidation proportionately to the Group’s interest in the jointly controlled entity.

The equity method is also applied in the PGNiG Group’s consolidated financial statements to recognise interests in associates over which the PGNiG Group has significant influence.

Significant influence

If an entity holds, directly or indirectly (e.g. through subsidiaries), 20% or more of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the entity has significant influence, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. Conversely, if the entity holds, directly or indirectly (e.g. through subsidiaries), less than 20 per cent of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the entity does not have significant influence, unless such influence can be clearly demonstrated. A substantial or majority ownership by another investor does not necessarily preclude an entity from having significant influence.

Significant estimates

Impairment of investment in joint venture SGT EUROPOL GAZ S.A.

As at the end of each reporting period, the Parent tests its investment in SGT EUROPOL GAZ S.A. (a jointly controlled entity accounted for with the equity method) for impairment and measures the investment’s value in use using the discounted cash flow (DCF) method. The valuation was based on the Inter-Governmental Protocol of October 29th 2010, which specified the company’s expected net profit.

The company’s value estimated with the DCF method as at December 31st 2021 was PLN 840m.

The calculations were based on the assumption that in each year in 2011−2022 net profit earned by SGT EUROPOL GAZ S.A. (EUROPOL GAZ) will be PLN 21m. The discounted cash flows include all cash flows generated by EUROPOL GAZ, including cash flows related to the servicing of interest-bearing borrowings (principal payments) and other risks known to the issuer. The cash flows were discounted using a discount rate of 8.45% (in real terms).

As at the end of 2021, the value of the Parent’s interest in EUROPOL GAZ determined using the equity method was PLN 1,854m. Therefore, a PLN 66m impairment loss was recognised in the current reporting period to align the equity method valuation of the interest with the DCF valuation of the interest.

The impairment test result is sensitive to the adopted assumptions regarding future cash flows (which depend on whether the provisions of the Inter-Governmental Protocol with respect to net profit to be earned in each of the years are implemented by the company) and discount rate. Changes in those assumptions following from updates of the company’s financial forecasts and changes in the discount rate due to general or company-specific factors, may have a material effect on the company’s future value.

The table below presents equity-accounted investees.

2021 2020
Equity-accounted investees Equity-accounted investees
SGT EUROPOL GAZ S.A. Polska Grupa Górnicza
Sp. z o.o.
Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A. Polimex- Mostostal S.A.
SGT EUROPOL GAZ S.A. Polska Grupa Górnicza
Sp. z o.o.
Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A. Polimex- Mostostal S.A.
At beginning of the period 840 126 840 612 112
Share of net profit/(loss)* 67 (457) (384) 18 26 (375) (158) 16
Elimination of unrealised profits
between the Group and the joint
(1) 18 200 (1) 5 27 42 (2)
Goodwill write-off (1)
Reversal of negative value of
equity-accounted interests**
25 184 116
Impairment losses (66) 404 (31) (260)
Changes accounted for in other
comprehensive income from equity-accounted investees
10 1 (3)
At end of the period 840 144 840 126
* After adjustments to the Group's accounting policies
** Reversal due to the share in the entity's losses being higher than the value of the interest in the jointly controlled entity as disclosed in the PGNiG Group's accounts (IAS 28.38). As at December 31st 2021, the PGNiG Group did not accept any legal or constructive obligation or make any payment on behalf of Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A.
2021 2020
SGT EUROPOL GAZ S.A.* Polska Grupa Górnicza Sp. z o.o.** GK Polimex-Mostostal S.A.*** SGT EUROPOL GAZ S.A.* Polska Grupa Górnicza Sp. z o.o.** GK Polimex-Mostostal S.A.***
PGNiG Group’s ownership interest 51.18% 20.43% 16.48% 51.18% 20.43% 16.48%
Description of business Transmission of
natural gas
Production of coal Construction Transmission of
natural gas
Production of coal Construction
Key financial data****
Non-current assets 1,004 8,722 764 1,206 9,423 765
Current assets 3,163 1,749 1,544 2,800 1,770 1,390
including cash and cash equivalents 2,958 612 631 2,602 259 408
Non-current liabilities 14 3,034 276 12 2,704 214
including non-current financial liabilities 380 195 331 134
Current liabilities 123 7,767 1,156 87 6,626 1,175
including current financial liabilities 3,019 49 2,414 305
Net assets 4,030 (330) 876 3,907 1,863 766
Revenue 1,050 8,087 2,221 893 7,476 1,498
Depreciation and amortisation expense (341) (1,838) (36) (328) (2,043) (38)
Interest income 2 5 4 16 24 3
Interest expense (144) (12) (130) (24)
Income tax (34) (24) (16) 373 (10)
Net profit/(loss) 124 (824) 102 43 (1,838) 91
Other comprehensive income 48 7 (11) (4)
Carrying amount of the investment
Share of net assets 2,063 (67) 144 2,000 381 126
Adjustment to ensure consistency of accounting policies with those of the Group (31) (14) (35) (14)
Elimination of unrealised profits between the Group and the joint venture (178) 42 (3) (177) 23 (3)
Goodwill 6 13 17 6 13 17
Goodwill write-off (6) (13) (6) (13)
Reversal of negative value of equity-accounted interests 25
Impairment losses (1,014) (948) (404)
Carrying amount of the investment in the consolidated
statement of financial position
840 144 840 126


* Resolutions are passed by a majority of three quarters of voting rights represented at the General Meeting. The General Meeting has the authority to pass resolutions if all founding shareholders (each holding 30% or more shares) are represented.
** Indirect interest held through PGNiG TERMIKA S.A., which has the right to appoint one member of the Supervisory Board and can block material decisions.
*** PGNiG S.A.’s interest held indirectly through PGNiG Technologie S.A. which, under the agreement relating to the investment in Polimex-Mostostal S.A., assumes that the parties will reach, by voting, common positions when making key decisions on matters falling within the powers of the general meeting and the Supervisory Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A., including on the composition of the Management Board of Polimex-Mostostal S.A.
**** Financial data for the Polimex-Mostostal Group for 11 months of the year and December of the previous year.

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