2.2 Key data on the reportable segments

2021 Exploration and
Trade and
Distribution Generation Other
Total Reconciliation with
consolidated data*
Sales to external customers 4,354 57,807 5,304 2,381 118 69,964  
Inter-segment sales 11,536 2,140 109 1,042 438 15,265
Total revenue 15,890 59,947 5,413 3,423 556 85,229 (15,265) 69,964
EBITDA 13,530 (1,702) 2,893 1,134 (123) 15,732 (139) 15,593
Depreciation and amortisation expense (1,452) (211) (1,218) (1,079) (71) (4,031) (4,031)
Operating profit (EBIT) 12,078 (1,913) 1,675 55 (194) 11,701 (139) 11,562
Recognition and reversal of impairment losses on
property, plant and equipment, intangible assets,
rights-of-use assets
425 (1) (5) (28) 391 391
Profit/(loss) from equity-accounted investees (10) 17 7 7
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and
intangible assets**
2,113 50 3,227 2,135 203 7,728 (169) 7,559
Property, plant and equipment 19,830 3,085 20,804 6,389 513 50,621 (429) 50,192
Employment*** 6,386 2,979 11,587 1,811 1,768 24,531


2020 Exploration and
Trade and Storage Distribution Generation Other segments Total Reconciliation with
consolidated data*
Sales to external customers 2,754 29,850 4,603 1,844 146 39,197
Inter-segment sales 1,858 793 81 929 338 3,999
Total revenue 4,612 30,643 4,684 2,773 484 43,196 (3,999) 39,197
EBITDA 927 9,580 2,157 930 (546) 13,048 (39) 13,009
Depreciation and amortisation expense (1,248) (223) (1,094) (795) (64) (3,424) (3,424)
Operating profit (EBIT) (321) 9,357 1,063 135 (610) 9,624 (39) 9,585
Recognition and reversal of impairment losses on property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, rights-of-use assets (1,683) (5) (5) (7) (86) (1,786) (1,786)
Profit/(loss) from equity-accounted investees (609) 14 (595) (595)
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets** 2,478 51 2,946 1,064 120 6,659 (93) 6,566
Property, plant and equipment 14,994 3,153 18,588 5,476 651 42,862 (297) 42,565
Employment*** 6,534 3,026 11,517 1,817 1,714 24,608
*Inter-company eliminations and consolidation adjustments
**Net of intra-segment eliminations, including capitalised interest and increase due to new lease contracts. The amounts do not include expenditure on the acquisition of INEOS of PLN 1,309m;for more information, see Note 8.6.1.
***Excluding employees of equity-accounted investees.

The segment information has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies applied in these consolidated financial

The Management Board analyses the segments’ results using basic performance measures, such as segment’s operating profit
(EBIT), as well as key efficiency indicators such as EBITDA, which is not a standardised measure.

The definition of EBITDA and how it is calculated by the Group are presented below

Definition adopted by the Group:

EBITDA – profit before tax, less net finance costs, share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted investees, and depreciation and amortisation.

For more information on the operations of each segment, see the Directors’ Report on the operations of the PGNiG Group and PGNiG S.A. for 2021.

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